Morning stiffness, afternoon aches, nighttime discomfort – sound familiar? You’re not alone and there’s hope. As a chiropractor who’s both treated and experienced back pain, I understand the frustration, limitations, and emotional toll it can take. But I’m here to tell you that it isn’t forever, and you have more control over your healing than you might think.
Effective Approaches for Low Back Pain Management
Low back pain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their daily activities and quality of life. It’s often temporary and this perspective can be particularly helpful when dealing with acute flare-ups or when it feels intense or discouraging. Let’s talk about three great strategies to help manage your back pain and three common pitfalls to avoid.
Movement is medicine
One of the most powerful tools in your toolbox is movement. Yes, you read that right – movement! While it might seem counterintuitive, especially when you’re in pain, gentle movement is healing for your body.
The key is to find movements that feel good to you. This could be gentle stretches, slow walks, or simple exercises like pelvic tilts. The more you move, the better because remember, a body in motion stays in motion!
The Breath-Pain Connection
As you move, pay attention to your breath. It might sound simple, but breathing is an incredibly powerful tool. Deep, controlled exhales help downregulate your nervous system, essentially telling your brain, “Hey, we’re okay here. No danger present!” This simple act of mindful breathing can help you feel comfortable to move more easily and take control of your body.
Changing Your Perspective: “My Low Back Pain Can Go Away”
This simple phrase can be incredibly powerful when things feel intense, discouraging, or scary. Your body has an amazing capacity to heal. By maintaining a positive mindset and reminding yourself that this is not permanent, you can help reduce fear and anxiety associated – which in turn can help reduce the pain itself!
These evidence-based strategies will help you manage and prevent back pain, empowering you to take control of your health! Now, let’s discuss some common pitfalls to avoid.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Back Pain Management
Don’t Panic
It’s natural to feel scared, but fear can actually increase pain perception. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that you will get through this. Now, you have three helpful strategies to start with, so you can start feeling better.
Don’t Rely on Ice
While icing has been a go-to for many years, we want to let the body do its thing. Inflammation plays an important role in healing since it brings blood flow and healing factors to the injured area. Instead of ice, focus on gentle movement and other pain management techniques.
Don’t Over-Rest
While rest is important, too much of it can be counterproductive. When you have a new flare-up, it’s crucial to keep moving. Prolonged inactivity can actually exacerbate your low back pain because it can lead to muscle atrophy, increased stiffness and decreased circulation. Keep gently moving your body to help mitigate your low back pain!
Living with low back pain can feel like you’re just surviving, not thriving. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By incorporating these effective strategies, you can take significant steps towards managing your pain. I’ve seen countless patients break free from the cycle, and I believe you can too.
Ready to stop letting your back pain control your life and to get back to feeling your best self? At Function Co. you’ll learn what happened, why it happened, how to fix it and how to prevent it from happening again.
Schedule an appointment and let’s work together to create a customized plan to address your pain and get you moving comfortably and confidently again.
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