5 Crucial Insights From A Chiropractor’s Back Injury Recovery

Has your doctor told you to “be cautious” because your back is “fragile” and you’re wondering if you’ll ever be able to do the things you love again? Here are 5 crucial insights about your back injury recovery your doctor may not have told you.

As an evidence-based chiropractor in St. Charles, Illinois, serving the Fox Valley area, I’ve not only treated countless patients with back pain but also experienced it firsthand. At 15, I was diagnosed with a bulging disc and two herniated discs in my low back. I heard the same warnings. I was told to stop skiing, riding roller coasters, jumping on trampolines, and going down water slides because those activities were “dangerous” for my back. Now, at 30, I’m mobile and pain-free. 

Your back injury doesn’t have to define you. I want you to know you have more power over your recovery than you realize. Whether you’re currently injured or it’s been years since your injury, these are 5 things I wish I knew when I hurt my back that could support you on your recovery.

The Power of Simple Movement

When dealing with back pain, it’s easy to get caught up in complex treatment plans. However, as an evidence-based chiropractor, I’ve learned that the most effective exercises are often the simplest. Don’t overcomplicate your recovery process. Focus on basic, controlled movements that promote strength and flexibility in your core and back muscles.

You Are Not Fragile

One of the biggest misconceptions injured patients encounter is the idea that your back is “fragile.” This fear-based approach can be more harmful than helpful. Current evidence supports that movement, when done correctly, is effective for healing and preventing further injury. 

Be Patient, Healing Takes Time

Recovery is rarely instantaneous. It’s important to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the healing process. At my practice in St. Charles, Illinois, I emphasize the importance of consistent, gradual progress rather than quick fixes.

Recovery Isn’t Linear

It’s important to expect fluctuations. There will be good days and bad days during your recovery. This is normal and doesn’t necessarily indicate a setback. As an evidence-based chiropractor, I help my patients understand these fluctuations and set expectations accordingly.

Trust the Process

Based on both scientific evidence and personal experience, I can confidently say that recovery is possible. Trust in your body’s ability to heal. Be kind to yourself because your recovery will look different than others.

Don’t Forget About Your Breath

An often overlooked aspect of recovery is breath work. Proper breathing exercises help decrease pain and down regulate the nervous system.

As an evidence-based chiropractor who’s been through a back pain injury and recovered, I understand the challenges you’re facing. At Function Co. you will feel empowered and supported during your recovery. Don’t give up hope.

Schedule an appointment and let’s work together to create a customized plan to address your back injury and get you moving comfortably and confidently again.